24-03-31 Sun Mar by sealab
대학원생 및 연구참여 학부생 모집 - Graduate & Undergraduate Students Recruitment

태양에너지응용연구실 (Solar Energy Application Lab)은 태양에너지의 환경분야/에너지분야 적용에 관심 있는 대학원생 및 연구참여 학부생을 모집합니다. 전공분야가 달라도 열심히 하고자 하는 마음이 있는 학생이면 누구든 환영합니다. 우리 연구실은 학생 스스로 주제를 찾고, 실험을 디자인하고, 논문을 쓰는 것까지 경험해 볼 수 있게 해주는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 함께 연구실을 만들어 갈 마음이 있는 학부생 (3학년이상) 및 대학원생은 언제든지 편하게 연락주세요. (숙명여자대학교 화공생명공학부 김우열: wkim@sookmyung.ac.kr) 현재 관심 있는 연구주제는 다음과 같지만 얼마든지 새로운 연구주제로 토론하고자 합니다. - 태양광전환촉매를 이용한 주요 환경오염물질 제거연구 - 태양광전환촉매를 이용한 물분해 연구 (수소생산) - 태양광전환촉매를 이용한 인공광합성연구 (태양광연료생산) The Solar Energy Application Lab recruits graduate and undergraduate students who are interested in applying solar energy in the en…

24-03-31 Sun Mar by sealab
A bronze award in the 25th Samsung Human Tech Paper Award

Jiyoung Hwang's researching topic "Crystal phase-dependent generation mechanism of mobile hydroxyl radicals on TiO2 photocatalysis" was chosen for the bronze prize among 1920 candidates with a competition rate of 20:1. Congratulations!

24-03-31 Sun Mar by sealab
Best Poster Award

Park Cheolwoo at the 16th Advanced Laser and Laser Application Workshop (ALTA 2017)

24-03-31 Sun Mar by sealab
Best Poster Award

Kim Bupmo at the 28th Optical Society of Korea - Annual Meeting (2017 OSK Winter Meeting) (2017)

24-04-01 Mon Apr by sealab
Best Poster Award

Park Cheolwoo at the 14th Korea - Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience (2018)

24-04-01 Mon Apr by sealab
Best Poster Award

Park Cheolwoo - 대한화학회 환경에너지분과 2019

24-04-01 Mon Apr by sealab
Best Poster Award

Park Cheolwoo at the International Conference on Photocatalysis and Photoenergy (2019)

24-04-01 Mon Apr by sealab
Best Poster Award

Park Hyeon Yeong at the 124th General Meeting of Korean Chemical Society (2019)

24-04-01 Mon Apr by sealab
Paper highlight in Nature Catalysis article

The article "Carbon dioxide dimer radical anion as surface intermediate of photoinduced CO2 reduction at aqueous Cu and CdSe nanoparticle catalysts by rapid-scan FT-IR spectroscopy" was introduced as highlight in Nature Catalysis, 2018, 1, 234

24-04-01 Mon Apr by sealab
Paper highlight in Energy Environment Science's cover

The article "A highly active, robust photocatalyst heterogenized in discrete cages of metal-organic polyhedra for CO2 reduction" was chosen as highlight cover in Energy Environment Science, 2020,13, 519-526

24-04-01 Mon Apr by sealab
Paper highlight in Nature Catalysis article

The article "Underestimation of platinum electrocatalysis induced by carbon monoxide evolved from graphite counter electrode" was introduced as highlight in Nature Catalysis, 2020, volume 3, page 773

24-04-01 Mon Apr by sealab
2020 Energy and Environmental Science HOT Articles

The article "Time-resolved observation of C-C coupling intermediates on Cu electrodes for selective electrochemical CO2 reduction" was selected by EES editors as 2020 EES hot paper (the top 10% of papers published in Energy & Environmental Science: one of 18 papers)

24-04-01 Mon Apr by sealab
2020 EES Lectureship Award

Professor Wooyul Kim was awarded as a 2020 EES Lectureship Winner of the Energy and Environmental Science Journal by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Congratulation!

24-04-01 Mon Apr by sealab
Paper highlight in Naver News and KBS News

The article "Selective electrochemical reduction of nitric oxide to hydroxylamine by atomically dispersed iron catalyst" was introduced on NAVER and KBS News as a succeeded in developing a conversion technology for practical applications to solve air pollutant problems.

24-04-01 Mon Apr by sealab
Paper highlight in Chemistry World

The article "Solar denitrification coupled with in situ water splitting" was introduced on Chemistry World as the synergic action of the various components in the system enables in situ generated hydrogen gas to be used immediately for transforming nitrate into dinitrogen.
